Tranq Ob (15th at UK Nats)

Testrunning 1276

This is simply an adapted version of JackMade Ob that I played for Euros and Interconts. Adding in Sandstone and Gatekeeper that allow for more rushy lines early, while cutting W2W since durdling against Lat seemed not that great.

The deck went 4-1 in Swiss and 0-1 in the cut. Wins versus 3 Lats and 2 Sables and lost to 2 Lats. Both of these losses were due to bad being flooded though, I do think the deck plays decently into Lat, though it is not a free matchup by any means (as Crim is). The combo of rushing out agendas early taxing on incomplete rigs with FA finishers make almost all matchups playable (apart from Esa).