Deep Deep Doodoowa đź’© (UK nats list)

aksu 790

First of all if you like good content you should like the deck so Andrej has to play more toxic prison decks on Thursday streams. 🙏

This aginfusion deck was brought by me to the UK nationals CoS team tournament and The King to the main tournament (after saying they wanted to play something sillier after top cutting worlds. my goat). List went 6-3 with many of them going to time.



I was perusing NRDB some day and I saw that the person who took the outfit away from me had played a kinda funny looking Earth Station list at worlds CoS. Couple gears started turning and I had thought “huh you could get this to be large with forcing multiple encounter effects”. Couple of minutes later I was in the TAIB discord jokingly posting about an aginfusion Oduduwa list. At this moment it had waves and colossus in there. Kind of in style of loki ag

Return of The King

After the joke and playing it like one time in Jnet casual. I mostly put the d I was doing my typical oracling gig for The King (who might be referenced in rest of the text as Brandon). And he was trying to build a HEAVY glacier deck with 20 ice and within there he wanted to play 3 logjams to test how they felt compared to bran.

I jokingly mentioned the idea with Odowuda and after a bit of apprehension fam decided to put it in. The first testing experience having an extremely fun time meming Jnet casual I was definitely playing this list at UK nationals. I think Brandon also was down but was exploring other ideas also.

Refinement of a toxic pile deck into a toxic pile deck but with glitter.

Original list that was built by Brandon stayed mostly the same during the whole process. Only change from that list that ended up happening was cutting 1 copy of vampyronasa into a copy of simulation reset. This was not a change neither of us liked but you just tended to be flooding up a bit too much and clearing away a bad bacterial pile is pretty good.

Other changes that were tested was the idea of just playing sim resets with subliminal messagings. Also Hanseis sometime tend to stick in hand for uncomfortably long so those were tested to be regolits or NGO fronts but neither really feel ideal. Good starting hand ability of Hansei just stuck there.

In testing the deck performed well enough. Last minute really close games against Auggy made me really actually start to believe in the deck.

The ultimate showdown

Its finally here I get to travel to the UK and play the funny meme deck whoo!

More specifically:

Game 1: playing against ice destruction freedom that kinda lets me keep odowuda on table and gets iced out and scored on.

Game 2: against reggish sable. Just get the absolute worst draw I have maybe ever seen. Drawing like 1 ice in the top 15 cards. Apparently I should have played 20 ice instead.

Game 3-4: Play basically a glacier without anything really specific. One match into Akiko that kinda draws bad and gets taxed out of propeller counters and a 65 min grind of a match against Ice destruction freedom that at the last gets through all the tools to get through ice and I score the final agenda on the last minute of game time.

The going to time problem was way bigger for Brandon during the main tournament. 5mins of extra time he gets is realistically not covering all the time that gets taken by the oracling thing (not meant as an indignation on tournaments it's just realistic). I think like half or something of His games went to time.

insert griping about slowplay/playing slow here but did not want to write it out. Catch me after an event sometime in the bar and you get like a 30 min convo for free.

Actually about the deck?

So the deck is at the core a heavy glacier deck that relies on ice taxing the runner out and securing a solid scoring server with Anoetic void protecting it and then slow cooking agendas through there. Odowuda does add sicko amounts of defensive layers into ice after your opponent tries interacting with you. And in the end just taxing the runner out by itself.

Often the optimal game plan is to try getting all the important servers secured by some sort of boostable ice and then you put taxing pieces in front of those. Hopefully trying to have an unrezzed innermost to get key aginf boops online where possible. After you have solidified a position you can start punishing the runner from interacting and keep booping them into the Odowuda every turn for an ever increasing amount of advancement counters. Surprisingly quickly starting to push runners from being able to get into stuff.

In reality it kinda does not turn out that way just because you don't have enough influence to super consistently get the ice in positions they would benefit the most from. Although it is to be noted even without the odowuda its still a solid aginflusion glacier list Logjam is already a kinda shnasty ice that you can punish runners with. And with expending a lojgam on it its a 7str wall that runners are kinda bad tricking trough.


Kit: you are actually pretty good at taxing kits limited resources away. Kit often just can run out of money even when using the big programs. Notably logjam even when unboosted is often around 5c to break witch is not extremely hype. And kit really does not have answers to the Oduduwa setup-

Ice destruction: :( no Odowuda in this MU… But you are still really good here. It's a 19 ice Aginf list with every ice kinda needing a separate answer. Main thing is to try not let the runner have a server they can blow open and start farming counters for AI breakers.

Esa: same as above. Did not really get to test this super hard before the event because all Esa players kept running at my ice and flatlining. Also 2 sublim resets helps a lot in this MU.

Crim: Same as above. You just tax criminal economies out and in specifically this MU the big ass logjams will cause the runner real issues. Breaking a logjam continuously for value is tough as hell.

Lat and ari: I think these are your only losing MUs. Yea I know that Lat is the best deck in the format and you should not be playing decks that lose to the big dawg. Lat just sets up too quick and can constantly win the game with a strong wind condition that they can set up without interacting with Oduduwa. Arissana will often have ways to cheat trough your stuff. So physaruming Oduduwa and hushing the advanced ices.

Ty Brandon for building this deck with me. It was a fun ride. Hope to do it again! <3

19 Nov 2024 Meathir

Ngl Tree Line is the best card in the deck /s

19 Nov 2024 tzeentchling

I feel like you want some Thimblerigs in here to help move that ice around and get it in the correct positions. But the Konjin is a cute trick for sure.