Legality (show more) |
Standard Ban List 24.12 (active) |
Rotation |
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
Packs |
Earth's Scion |
Reign and Reverie |
Uprising |
System Gateway |
System Update 2021 |
Parhelion |
The Automata Initiative |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost |
Repartition by Strength |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | |||
TAO Conduit | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Aeneas Tao and some Burners | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CHAT are we cooked? (24th @ London Regionals) | 5 | 0 | 1 |
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After conts season i was a bit tired of always playing Kit, I wanted to do fun trickshot stuff and it lead me to finding Jai's Majulah! list from 2023 continentals. Not contented with reviving one underplayed shaper, I also picked up the Aeneas Conduit package that was popular last year but is nowhere to be seen this year. After the trickshot ban I was a bit underwhelmed with the meta, I'm a hater that doesnt like playing the best orange deck, so i fell back to this idea, just replacing trickshots with Daily Casts and Telework Contract.
I think turbinerig is cool and it compliments the aeneas hermes trifecta package although it makes echelon super awkward to play. also 5 MU makes maneuvering around programs in hand and SMC a bit tough sometimes. If you know the simulchip discard trick it can help you set up fast though.
I have never played Takobi once in my life and maybe it would be good in this? Im not going to find out now.
Pinhole is a pretty good card but unfortunately I want to go fast and it doesn't draw a card. DJ Fenris kinda sucks actually since we're not running HQ for enough value, maybe swap it for one Pinhole.
Wheels is a very funny card alongside Aeneas, build your own rezeki.
Bahia Bands is just another card that reads "draw 2 cards and so something else". It can be good into asset matchups or decks that tag you. It is bad into decks where runnning early sucks, like AgInfusion . You could change it for Build Script or Pinhole.
1-0 into Baserton's Earth Station
2-0 into MattOhNo's Outfit
3-0 into Ziggsquigly's Earth Station
4-0 into TheRealLap's Built To Last
Unfortunately my stock PD went 1-3, i'm really rusty on my corp play and the unlucky ADT's really did not help.
This deck sucks into Azmari kill massive time, probably has like 0% WR and you would rather play pinhole bones like a regular runner, without stoneships you wont have enough time to set up the turbine rig.
This deck preys on unfamiliarity with the play patterns, many players are not ready to plan for a hermes+tao swap when its like 2 AM and round 7, but it probably doesnt survive contact against a well rested top tier player.
5 Jan 2025
9 Feb 2025
I have played a slightly different version of this at CBI and 08-02 AMT: -1 Dj Fenris, -1 Bahia Bands. +1 Stoneship Chartroom, +2 Build Script. |
I am a big aeneas head, glad to see it in more decks. It would be really great if there was a good clickless way to install it besides Seb.