Fobelus Esâ - As seen on TV [Metropole Grid]

Claim 155

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Heya netrunners,

This is a variant of the Esa deck i brought to MTL CO wich you can find here. This variant is much more straightforward and bring more econ while getting rid of alternate gameplan that were not really fitting in.

Mulligan for Ghostongue if you think you won't face BOOM or for Obelus if you think you will.

Someone famous and charismatic insisted to include Jailbreak even if the Ghostongue would rather use Overclock for value: Jailbreak is just way too good with Obelus and help with the card draw.

There are still room for improvements, Events particularly are flexible, I would consider a third Jailbreak for sure maybe cut something to get a 3rd Counter Surveillance but that usually is not necessary. Maybe ditch the 3rd BlackOrchestra, maybe you don't want the 3rd Labour right, maybe you hate Wildcat strike because corp get to make a decision, these are easily adjustables numbers. God Of War is probably right but i had issues using it so its gone.

Against Boom decks it is usually better to not suffer core damage before you have a safe handsize because climbing back to a safe handsize when you have 1-3 core damage is hard. Be safe, rig Obelus before running hot.

Would it be a better deck if you got rid of the core damage and played Hoshiko instead? Probably but it would not be as fancy and Esâ gives you reasons to play two amazing cards in Ghostongue and Running Hot. My thinking is that if you trigger Esâ ID 3 times in a game it is close to 6 (very) subpar accesses wich statisticly helps reaching the magical number of accesses we need to win a game.

Check Andrej's - The Metropole Grid - channel to see him play it : Click-here!