Get Rich or Kill Trying

DrunkenGineer 855

So, Argus is the Weyland equivalent of Thousand Cuts Jinteki. "The runner takes a tag or suffers 2 meat damage whenever an agenda is stolen" is a very powerful ability, obviously mitigated by the fact that the runner has the choice of what he wants to take. Well, why not remove that choice and give him 2 meat damage regardless with Dedicated Response Team?

The game plan is simple. Ice up centrals and play never-advance with 1-pointers in remotes. When you get a Checkpoint, throw it in a remote server and dare the runner to come get whatever you put behind it. Another amusing play is guarding a DRT with a Data Raven and nothing else. When the runner takes the tag and trashes it, rez another DRT in a different server and punish him.

The rest of the deck supports the kill play. Shattered Remains is for pesky Plascretes that make the runner's choices easier. Snare is another tag source, and in remotes, synergizes with DRT. Vulcan Coverup does damage whether scored or stolen and False Lead keeps the runner from removing tags. There's definitely a version of this deck that runs Punitive instead of Scorch, putting the fear into a runner who has the misfortune of stealing a 3-pointer while poor.

I'm looking forward to seeing people make Argus even deadlier. What do you guys think of the ID?

26 Nov 2014 esutter479

Enhanced Login Protocol may do well here...considering that just knowing the ID alone, the runner will be wary about trying to take something from ya on 4th click. ELP just whittles their freedom down that much more. A 2 of that card in here would be a great addition, IMO.

26 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

I'm wary of currents in a deck where agendas are so easy to come by. I like the idea, but it's not going to last more than a few turns before an agenda gets stolen.

26 Nov 2014 esutter479

Good point. Pipe dream realized. :)

27 Nov 2014 Ulkrond

use Accountant.

27 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

Another good option, but again, a deck where you want the runner to steal agendas isn't the best place to have a current. However, I can see it being a nuisance for what little time it's around.