Let's Play Eclipse! - Purple Blood, Purple Heart

Cobalt 452

Welcome to the Let's Play Eclipse! series - a collection of decks for those interested in playing the Eclipse format but who are perhaps a little unsure about the expanded card pool, or just don't know where to start. Feel free to play them directly* or modify them to come up with your own designs!

*Cobalt Corp. accepts no responsibility for the performance, or lack thereof, of any listed deck.

This is Core Set territory. We don't care about fashion robots or extra hand size. Our ID says 'gain 1 per turn' and we intend to abuse that fact!

The strategy here is simple: you have agendas. Fast advance them. Jeeves Model Bioroids allows you to use Lateral Growth and Shipment from SanSan as a fast advance combo for your 3/2s; Accelerated Beta Test keeps the cards coming and your centrals safe.

Your ice is mostly for stopping you from losing on centrals, but you can pivot to a protected remote if R&D is not obliging and the game goes long. Keep in mind that Architect is not Drafter - if you want your Biotic Labors again you'll have to Jackson or Order them back!

If your Advanced Assembly Lines live a turn cycle, you can use them to suddenly put a Jeeves or a SanSan City Grid on the table and score out of nowhere. Even if the dream doesn't happen, you can use it on the Runner turn to collect even more money from your ID ability. Just be careful about when you expect a run!

You are HB. You have the money and the efficiency. Win before the Runner even knows what happened!

Based on / inspired by: yeoda's Bleed Purple

Restricted card: Jeeves Model Bioroids

Mulligan for: Lateral Growth, Jeeves Model Bioroids, Biotic Labor, Vanilla / Eli 1.0