Dive Kit 2th place (2-0) @GNK Montreal 2025-01-07

Diogene 4455

Deep dive for the win and control the board.

Game plan : setup fairly fast to Deep Dive for the win.

Mulligan plan : Aniccam or Spark of Inspiration in hand.

The deck went 2-0 at the GNK at L'Expedition on 2025-01-07, which got me second place at the event.

  1. Win vs Cullen on Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design. I kept the corp honest by forcing rez and used Deep Dive to score 2 points, the rest were lucky singles.
  2. Win vs Patrick on Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home. I got Miss Bones on turn 1, but Patrick did not play an asset spam type of Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home. Still, it saved me quite a bit of money and I was able to push on the corp. 2 points from remote accesses (if memory serves right) and I was able to use Deep Dive three times to get the rests of the points, just before Giordano Memorial Field would have been played.

This deck was made with the different input from the Dep Dive testing group of Montreal.

With the ban of Trick Shot, we thought that Kit was a more aggressive deck than Lat, which would have more legs against deck like Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design and Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel.. But with the loss of Trick Shot, we decided to use Deep Dive for the multiaccess.

Considering that asset spam is a corp archetype that is quite prevalent, 2x Miss Bones were included in the deck. With Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra, this becomes a good way to control asset spam, while possibly giving us that extra click for Deep Dive.

The deck seldom feels poor, as there is A LOT of economy in the deck, especially since you can get econ cards back. Harmony AR Therapy help putting back an Orca that got in hand too early and had to be trashed. But will also get back Deep Dive and economy cards.

The main advice for this deck is this : install Lobisomem as soon as you can. Either from hand or from Spark of Inspiration. Yes, paying 8 is painful, but the whole deck is around that breaker, it is that good. The worst ice for us is probably Endless EULA, because we have to pay 6 to break no matter what. Otherwise, Lobisomem allows us to force the corp to rez nearly everything.

DJ Fenris is usually for Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy, but according to circonstances, you could use René “Loup” Arcemont: Party Animal (against asset spam), Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter (against Jinteki: Personal Evolution) or Quetzal: Free Spirit (against glaciers). Very versatile. Using Deep Dive to find one agenda is good enough, you don't have to wait to be able to get to 5 clicks.

Big thanks to Odonuvo for organizing the event, we were 12 players and it was a blast!
