Pay For Your Own Tags (68th at GenCon)

sanluyene 27

Stuck with my Cache Refresh style of play, and had tons of fun at my first tournament!

21 Aug 2017 sanluyene

I do want to note that this is not a strict Cache Refresh deck, it was built in a Cache Refresh style; due only to the use of two SanSan City Grids :) I originally built this deck with one SanSan City Grid and one Rutherford Grid, but changed over last minute.

Actually pulled out the stops pretty well with this deck! There was only one game that I was blown out of the water due to having so many agendas in hand, and being run on with a Legwork. Otherwise, this deck can pump out those quicker agendas so fast, Runners can't keep up!

Amusingly, I had 25 tags on one of my Whizzard: Master Gamer opponents at the end of our round.