Asset Ob a Killer Guide - 18th worlds 2024

maninthemoon 2895


I never did a write up for my 1st place ICC list in 2023 because I really wasn't sure what to write at the time. I find myself coming back to asset Ob from time to time, but it's usually a very meta dependent pick. I wanted to post my list from worlds this year, but I also wanted to share a more in-depth guide to the archetype in general. The ideas and theory in this write up are relevant to a lot of asset Ob lists that have existed in the past and probably will in the future.

First of all, why this list?

Going into worlds and similarly with ICC last year I wanted a list that was different and complicated to pilot into. This deck packs a lot of power and can be played very flexibly based on how your opponent chooses to engage. You can set yourself up as the "proactive player" trying to set up kill lines and forks or you can play more defensively and reactive as you slowly squeeze all hope of victory out of your opponent.

Something New


Kill asset ob is an archetype that doesn't see significant play, but has claimed some notable titles from a few players including: ICC 2022 Bridgeman, ICC 2023 Myself, CBI 2024 Jan Tuno. The archetype has won some other smaller events over the years, but for the most part the deck has mostly seen short moments of glory. Below are some notable asset kill lists that have done well since the release of Ob Superheavy Logistics.

2022 ManintheMoon Prison Ship - The Shaper Exterminator

2022 Brideman Dreamboat - 1st@Intercontinentals

2023 ManintheMoon Arctic Blood - 1st at June AMT

2023 ManintheMoon 1st at Intercontinentals 2023

2024 Jan Tuno Grudge Work (15-3 and 1st at CBI 2024)

Should you play this deck/archetype?

I think this type of deck is super fun and gives you a lot of agency to make plays and be in charge of the game in a way that a lot of other heavy asset decks don't allow. Even if you don't plan on playing the list, learning how it functions can go a long way toward knowing how to beat it!

How it works:

While playing asset kill Ob lists you try and align enough "dominos" or treats that are all falling at the runner at once that they can't defuse them all and they die. If the runner is playing too passively or building up a lot of money use Reversed Accounts or just start scoring out.

In theory one of the main strengths of kill ob is the decks ability to generate more threats then the runner can handle. The runner will often find themselves defusing an Urban Renewal with a pinhole only to have a new demolition plan spring up in its place the next turn via Marilyn Campaign ➡️ Svyatogor Excavator. This ability to fetch and install threats pushes you forward and the runner finds themself playing whack a mole until finally they get 4 tags from Oppo Research and die.

If a runner sits back and tries to score off centrals you can punish that with Hearts and Minds. This card is incredibly powerful. Once you have an advanced piece of ice from Wall to Wall you can never adv your 5/3s or fetch a unfriendly card and adv > adv > Click the runner loses 16 credits 👀

This deck more than any other asset Ob list I have built is trying to score out. You can score out using Hearts and Minds. Try to read when your opponent might take a turn of and keep your Hearts and Minds face down until you need them (note if you are playing vs this deck, trash all Hearts and Minds if possible). It's not that bad if whatever you try and score get's stolen. You want to hit threat 3 either way so you can close with oppo. If you score a 5/3 you can either close with a kill fork or score out with Azef Protocol and Audacity.

It can be expensive to kill with Oppo Research + End of the Line or even Public Trail + End of the Line. Try to build up a solid credit total, this also helps make your Forced Connections a lot stronger. One of the main weaknesses of this deck is economic. If the runner can trash most of your Economy Cards it can be really hard to find kill or scoring lines. I would recommend cutting 1-2 cards to play the 2nd and maybe even 3rd Extract as the main vulnerability is economic.

If you're playing vs DD, there is a lot of that going around. Try and keep a BC on centrals (probably R&D for Trick Shot) and apply pressure using the MCA Austerity Policy. MCA is an amazingly offensive and defensive card ❤️ Try not to search for it until you can protect it alright with an ice and maybe an upgrade, but MAC will let you score out or even pull off cool (and expensive) double Public Trail kill lines. With a scored Basalt Spire and a MAC on 2 counters you can do something like:

Ob for Reversed Accounts > Adv with Hearts and Minds > Click MCA > pop MCA > pop Reversed Accounts the runner loses 8 > Public Trail > Basalt for Public Trail > End of the Line > End of the Line.

And while that is a pretty serious combo the lines and ways this deck can kill the runner are plentiful and very satisfying.

MCA Flex

The most important thing to do while playing this deck is to expect the runner will find a way out of the current trap you have set and make sure that while defusing it they fall into a worse trap. Pay attention to the resources you have available and try to use them to run your opponent out of options.

How did the deck do?!

The deck did very well at worlds, I was x/4 and sadly bubbled at 18th. The deck dropped 2 games over both days. One being a couple lucky Trick Shots and the other being a very well fought game by AnOddRadish it was a close game and so many little things could have gone differently to make it a win.

I would totally take the same list aging (+1-2 extract) and believe it could have won the whole event given the runner field in the cut.

The only bad matchup I believe this deck has is the Zombie Freedom - 5th and 18th at Worlds 2024 I built and Muntal Bost brought to worlds.

How to beat the deck?

Trash all the Svyatogor Excavators and play defense. Just don't die and don't let the corp score out. Check random face down cards when you can afford to trash stuff (or clear Forced Connection). Try to avoid letting the deck score off the table. Once R&D gets thin you can steal points a lot more easily from HQ and R&D.


I'll add some when I get them.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

Huge Thanks!

To all the wonderful players who showed up in SF to make worlds happen. To NSG, the Judges and everyone I personally got to play! My teammates helped me prepare and practice for the event. Extra props to BinkBoinkle who just barely missed day two on the same list at x/4/1. Go out, have fun, and flatline people!

27 Oct 2024 ThatsNoMun

Taking one big brain moon deck to worlds was enough for me, but this list is something special. Great job in swiss Abraham!

27 Oct 2024 BinkBonkle

Most fun I've had with a corp in a while <3

27 Oct 2024 SMITTYL

@BinkBonkle alluded to this awesome deck the other day. Excited to finally see it!

27 Oct 2024 jan tuno

one of the greatest to ever do it <3

27 Oct 2024 xdg

That's one sick deck. So glad I didn't have to face it! Great meeting you in person, and congrats on 18th!

28 Oct 2024 Shishu

no angelique??? what a deck!

31 Dec 2024 joannaylor

I have to tell you, these startup deck dives are amazing. I am learning so much with every one, PLEASE Sprunki Retake keep them coming!