Thanks a Mill!

Japoco 169

A super dumb idea for a deck!

It works 20% of the time.

But when it works - damn it’s fun.

Strategy: Get out 2-3 Persephone (you will need a leprechaun or daredevil) + 1 pelangi

Find a multi sub ice which isn’t all End the run subs

Run - change to sentry with pelangi/tinkering, let all subs that aren’t ETR fire

Mill anywhere between 3 and 18 cards from the corp (see below)


This whole deck relies on finding the right kind of ice.

Best choices:

Endless EULA - the best possible option - resolve all 6 subs by paying 6 - mill 6 to 18 cards

Mauselous - avoid the tag with jes, take a net - mill 3 to 9 cards

Slot machine - lose 3, maybe corp gains 3, hopefully doesn’t gain 3 counters - mill 3 - 9 cards

IP block - avoid the tag with Jez, fire the ETR if tagged - mill 2 - 6 cards

Fairchild 2 - pay 4 (or some installed cards) avoid a brain with ramujin - mill 3 - 9 cards

Anansi - take 4 net damage (or 3 with a ramujin) - mill 3-9 cards (only worth it if you have 3 Persephone down)

Kominu - draw up - take damage - mill absolutely loads of cards, levy.