Super Top Tier Weyland

Greasythumb 566

Do you like winning with bad cards? Do you want to play an old skool Jinteki shell game, but in green? Is Install, Advance, Advance your favourite turn? Do you enjoy watching runners die on their first turn because they completely fail to recognise the dangers of the atrocious jank that you're playing? Do you like discovering new and unexpected win conditions as you play? Then this awful, awful deck is for you! Provided your opponent doesn't know what they're up against, you can win a cool 50% of your games with almost no skill at all!


Armed Intimidation, a card that is bad and gets stolen because the only thing you can really do with it is try to bluff it as an NGO or Urtica, but which occasionally wins you the game because if you IAA it, it stays, and the runner finishes any subsequent turn on fewer than four cards, you can fork them with HPT for the kill

City Works Project, a card that is good, but which is bad in this deck because you can't bluff it at all, except you can, kinda - it will occasionally win you the game because the runner gets paranoid and refuses to steal it, or because they aren't paranoid enough and the damage puts them in range of some other kill

Clearinghouse, a card that gets trashed 90% of the time but occasionally wins you the game because the runner decides they can afford to ignore your installed cards

False Flag, a card that is bad, but which occasionally wins you the game because the runner assumes no one would ever play it so they either let you score out of get tagged at a bad time

Gene Splicer, a card that is bad for this deck, and which is yet to win a game for me. I will probably cut one for the second GFI soon and then stubbornly hang on to the remaining copy for way too long before cutting it for the third Snare!

Forced Connection, a card that is bad but will occasionally win you the game because two is a surprising number of tags to pick up from a random R&D run

Fire Wall, a card that is bad in most IDs, but is actually good in Built to Last. Honestly, give it a go, it'll surprise you

Project Atlas, NGO Front, Urtica Cipher, and Snare! Cards that are good, and that should probably be cut in favour of bad cards to make this deck more thematic. Special mention for Atlas here though, because you can IAA it naked and score it with one or two counters next turn, which is great.

Strategy algorithm: 1/ At the start of your turn, check to see if you can win. 2/ Then decide whether you need to install ice to put a roadblock in front of the runner's strategy. 3/ If you don't have anything better to do, choose a card from your hand to install, and advance it twice.

26 May 2021 GingercredMan

I like all of those things!