[2nd, B'ham 🎄 Startup] BEASTIEBALL

harmonbee 982

At risk of sounding like one of the spambots, BEASTIEBALL is a cool game and took up far too much of my time last month.

Saci and Capybara together, as besties.

This is my beastie-filled Startup deck that went 3-0 in the recent Birmingham Startup CO, which along with my Sisyphus RH took me to second place by only 0.111 lower Extended SoS. We have Saci and Capybara! We have an Alarm Clock surrounded by birds! We have uhhhhh the little microbes that presumably live inside Fermenter! Insert an additional stretched suggestion that a card is a beastie here!

A lot of this deck is fairly standard for Startup: Window of Opportunity + Saci gets you a lot of money and potentially lets you use Hermes to bounce the ice that you just derezzed. We have Prepaid VoicePAD economy with cards like Strike Fund, Dirty Laundry and Bahia Bands. We have “Pretty” Mary da Silva because I'm allergic to not putting her in a deck she helps deep dig R&D.

The breakers are there to pressure ice-heavy Corps like Built to Last and to avoid spending Inside Jobs on the remote. I didn't install them much, but I'm still glad I included them.

The other trick we have is En Passant with Capybara. This creates a lose-lose for the Corp: if you run on a server with a bypass tool and they rez the ice to avoid En Passant or Hermes, you can switch it back off with Capybara and then trash it with En Passant anyway. This can even give you nice Saci value! If the Corp doesn't rez, you can En Passant as normal.

Capybara is also a great way to avoid Sisyphus Protocol if you end up getting paired into your partner who is the only other person at the tournament playing Sisyphus RH. And in the end, draining the Corp of their hard-earned credits if they want to rez the ice again in future is pretty nice.

I wish I could include Amelia Earhart in the deck but I have to dedicate too many of my slots to the non-run economy that the Criminal faction lacks in Startup.

Thank you to Lap for running the tournament, and congrats to Hello for winning! (I'll get you next time etc etc)