Shouldn’t There Be A Horse?

SlamPowes 26

Trojans are neat, right? What if you could play them mid run, move them onto any ice when needed, and then go right into a multiaccess/click-free second run?

(I've just got SG and Liberation to play with in person, so I've limited cards to just those sets)

Urban Art + Slap Vandals keep the econ going and works around end the run ices early game, with Umbrella and Echelon to deal with the nastier subs on Sentrys and Code Gates. Monkeywrench keeps big ice power level down so the breakers can keep doing their thing, and Muse is kind of like a SMC replacement in Sunset. There's no Cleaver in Sunset and that is sad, so the Pressure Spike is there to take care of the larger Barriers that Slap Vandal can’t deal with later in the game.

There's a ton of run events to keep up with spending clicks on installs, and this is an install heavy setup. Multiaccess runs should be doable even early game with Jailbreak and Trick Shot, and those runs get more valuable as Mary, Beatriz, Manuel, and the Docklands Pass are played.

Cataloger, Burner, and Skimming also give you a deep look at the top R&D, so you can either guarantee your next run will grab an agenda or bury key late game cards/unfavorable ice at the bottom of the Corp's deck.

Spree looks like a fun card to load up all of the trojans onto HQ or R&D late game, or shuffle a Slap Vandal onto each ice as you progress through a set of stacked ice encounters.

This bunch of cards can theoretically do sneaky Trojan things and hit the recommended 18 accesses in 9 runs or less. Will it lose to fast advanced agendas in remote servers? Probably. Will it die immediately to entirely avoidable net damage? Very likely. Will you go out doing a bunch of kickflippy Shaper nonsense? A certainty.

13 Nov 2024 ANXT

OMG thank you! My local group has the exact same cardpool and there are literally nearly zero decks build with it.

This looks cool!