[Startup] R&D Hammer (3rd & Undefeated @ Brisbane CO)

nickolai 22

The Dream: Remove all Ice from R&D with Arruaceiras Crew, and hammer R&D with Conduit. (There is no Mavirus in Startup 😊)

This deck started with Hermes, but I realised that you need to play very aggressively to keep the Corp low on credits and struggling. To do this, you need to facecheck everything relentlessly and just accept the consequences. TLDR Hermes is too passive.

I was struggling on where to spend the Hermes influence - I was going to just play with 2x T400 and spend it elsewhere. However, I found this decklist by galehar. LilyPAD is inspired and feels unbelievably smooth - the 2 MU, and card draw from setting up and Privileged Access threat text feels awesome.

Slot Callouts:

  • T400: I was expecting more sicko behavior from my meta. It also let me get greedy with all my programs. I installed this more often than I expected.

  • The breaker suite - I felt like a lot of games I was getting through a lot of my deck, and was worried about running out of cards for Audrey. These were my "oh no I can't farm Leech counters" solution - I usually installed just one of these for a victim server once the corp Ice'd all centrals.

Overall the event was awesome and Startup is a surprisingly fun card pool! Thanks bemi <3