The difference between "Sunny LeBeau" GlobalSec Icebreaker Suit and Dai V is "Break any number of subroutine" and "Break all subroutine"

When you happen to run into Littlefinger. GS striker M1 user can harvest 5 credit while Dai V user can't.

When you run into Shiro. GS striker M1 user can see top card of R&D or cause credit leak. while Dai V user can't.

When you run into Aiki. GS striker M1 user can hope for card drawing. while Dai V user can't.

I think this is intended by designer to make this harder to use to make decision.

With the rise of Exchange of Information 15 Minute will find home in NBN deck that contain that card

NBN has million way to give tag to runner. You let them have their agenda. Score 15 Minute and Exchange It with 2-3 Pointer they steal. Take back 15 Minute.

Now you leave runner with no score.

The Con is if you claim back your AstroScript Pilot Program It's not score so your astrotrain is stop.

"15 Minute + Exchange of Information + Tag" is way to steal your point back

Although if the runner used Turntable to steal your Astro or Sales Team then you can get it back with Exchange of Information. —