After he essentially won me a game, I feel like I have to make a stance here for the poor little doggy.

For 1 rez cost it can tax the runner 1 or 2 to pass it unharmed. Pup is another dog that is praised for doing the same thing. And for what it does, 2 strength makes it pretty resistant against Parasites compared to other "tax the runner a little and let him through" ICE like Pop-up Window. So if it is broken or the trace is matched, it's a nice little porous taxing ICE. There will always be need for that.

But what if the runner just ignores it? Well, that's exactly what you want him to do. Put this thing on a server they check regularly and you basically get a Stack lock similar to an R&D lock, but on the other side of the table. You filter what they will draw and trash the cards you don't want them to see. So it grants you both milling and information.
The milling can be good in decks that want to exhaust the runner's resources and the information can come in quite handy in a lot of decks, but is especially good when combined with Targeted Marketing in-faction, because you know what they will draw before they do and have time to set up accordingly.

All in all it's an okay ICE, that can be a small tax or a small advantage for a very small price. Until Improved Tracers hits the table.
The agenda itself is awesome, but it's even better when combined with a whole lot of cheap small nuisance Tracer ICE like Data Hound, Turnpike or Matrix Analyzer. It won't stop anyone, but they better pay the tax or face the consequences.

I also like him a lot. I even have it in my HB glacier deck (but I don't have all the expansions) and just for the info. —
I don't see how Data Hound can be a 2c tax. Untargeted "mill 1" is useless unless your game plan involves milling the runner out entirely, and if your opponent has recursion, it actively helps them. So the corp needs to win the trace by at least two for Data Hound to matter. Thus it is only ever a 1+X credit tax, where X is the number of credits the corp spends. 1 link runners are taxed no more than the corp. —
It an be a 2 cred tax if the runner doesn't use Mimic as their killer and wants to break it or if the runner has 0 link and wants to beat the trace. Because even if it just estroys the top card that's still a nice effect. Pepople include Underway Renovation as a 3/1 agenda just to do that. The runner has put those cards in his deck for a reason! Of course, against super recursion heavy MaxX decks it's not helpful to mill them, but it can be against a lot of runners. —
Approximately nobody is including Underway Renovation in their decks, and literally nobody is winning even game nights with it. I checked. It's a goofy agenda that does a unique, goofy thing, which is fine, but it's nowhere close to being a good card. Answer this: how many times do you see the runner use up their entire stack (without having Levy)? Because if you don't mill their entire stack with Data Hound, or at least threaten it, "trash the top card of the runner's stack" might as well read "put the top card of the runner's stack on the bottom of their stack". Except in almost all Shaper and Anarch matchups, it's worse, because it turns their Clone Chips and Deja Vu's into tutors. The only decks I can ever see wanting to match the trace (rather than trace-1) are those with tutors, no recursion, and singleton breakers. And even those will just ignore it completely once they're set up. —
Not everyone has recursion and certainly not for every card type. Recurring hardware or resources is quite uncommon as it requires general recursion tools, which have their limitations. To answer your question: More often than I suspected. Stacks run empty, it happens. Most of the time against rig destruction or net damage decks. Usually not against NBN, I have to admit. But there's still the possibility of building a Keegan Lane based rigshooter out of NBN and then it would be not too shabby to have the runner burn through some of their (limited) recursion tools to get back stuff Data Hound trashed. I never said it's a great ICE. It's certainly not good for every deck and it's certainly not good against every matchup. But if your deck is already running cards like NBN: Making News or Rutherford Grid or Improved Tracers and is not aimed at playing a short game, it can easily be be worth it's deck slot. And the rez cost is basically worth it after one or two encounters. I have tested this ICE and was surprised as it won me a game. —

First, let's talk basics: It's a NBN 3/1 agenda with an effect that boosts your defences in the long run. Which is bad for several reasons.

First, it's a 3/1 agenda. 3/1s are uncomfortably to score and don't really give that much points towards a victory. NBN decks may include up to 4 2/1s which are easier to fast advance and 6 3/2s which give you double the points for the same effort as a 3/1. Half of NBNs 3/2s even give you a fast advace tool at hand! (I'm assuming everyone knows the core set agenda AstroScript Pilot Program and how it helps at scoring agendas, especially ones with an advancement requirement of 3.)

So what does it give you? You don't get an instant money refund like from Superior Cyberwalls or Encrypted Portals, which is okay, I guess, because you get something else instead: A boost to base trace strength. But there are some problems with that, too, I'll talk about later. First, as it doesn't give you instant money it's a hefty invstment. Advancing this normally costs a card, 4 and 3, which sets you back in early game. But in order to make use of it you want to score it out early! A defense Boost is great for glacier archetypes, which are slow already and this kind of boost makes them even slower. So in the end, you are just slowing down your buildup to a point were everyone with a full rig doesn't care about your defences anyways, because they had enough time to set up as well.

Improved Tracers boosts trace strength, which is great! But sadly, it doesn't boost all your traces. Not even all traces during a run. No, not even all traces started by your ICE. TMI and Troll are sad. I know, they're not technically Tracers, but they could have used the boost.
So the problem is, the effect of this agenda is relying on ICE subroutines successfully firing. As soon as the runner is properly prepared that's only going to happen under his conditions. And the only time whenhe is unprepared is the early game. Agains, slow moving glaciers are sad here.
No synergy with Bernice Mai, Ash 2X3ZB9CY or Manhunt here as well, but I guess that's good. The agenda could easily be overpowered if it worked on non-ICE as well.

So how can we make proper use of Improved Tracers? I guess there's a pretty narrow room for fast, but defensive, NBN tagstorm decks that try to Fast Track this out and score it early behind a cheap ETR like Caduceus or Viper. Well, I'm not really sold on that idea, but I'm looking forward to someone building a competitive deck utilising Improved Tracers that does not become better when you score out a 3/2 instead.

I'm not writing all of this as pure theorycrafting. I have actually tested the agenda in my deck All Traces, No Tags. And it's a fun deck! I really enjoy it. It's crappy and looses all the time but it's fun to play! And I managed to actually score out Improved Tracers with it several times. One game I even had a Rutherford Grid installed in R&D, HQ and the scoring remote with 2 Improved Tracers scored. It was ridiculous. Trace strengthes of all subroutines were increased by 4, making it absurdly taxing to beat any trace. Well, I still lost that game, but it made for a great WTF moment when the runner was looking at Viper with it's 3 rez cost, 6 strength and two 7-strength-traces.

This brings me to my personal conclusion... The ICE I really want to use this with are Viper, Caduceus, Taurus and Sagittarius, which all are Weyland or HB.
My personal greatest problem with this agenda: It should be neutral!
Every faction has Tracers and uses traces, but for my personal taste there are two factions I really want to use Improved Tracers with: Weyland and HB!
Weyland was always the glacier faction and has some crappy advanceble ICE that could really use this boost along with some great tracers that could be even greater with this agenda. I so want to build this deck!
Haas-Bioroid on the other hand has a lot of bioroid ICE that already are taxing because of their high strength and would be extremly strong with even more strength: Viktor 2.0, Ichi 1.0, Ichi 2.0, Sherlock 1.0. All these bioroids have a low base trace strength which could make great use of Improved Tracers! Add Viper as cheap early game ETR and Sagittarius just because it's a cool ICE and you've got some nasty defences for a slow ETF campaign-driven glacier. Plus, If anyone can easily score out a 3/1 it's the faction with the most possibilities to accuire a 4th ! I really really want to build this deck!

I think your review is spot on. I've tried building a Tracer Glacier using Improved Tracers and I've tried it in about half of the NBN identities (Making News and NEH are strongest btw). The results are quite lacklustre because it's too slow to set up. The only thing I want to add is that Muckraker and Shinobi are interesting pieces of ICE to use with this type of deck. —

I wonder, if this card is really worth playing... If you just advance normally, you spend 2 and 2 for 2 tokens. By using this card, you spend 2 and 1 card (worth a ) for 2 tokens. In other words, you pay 1 to get 2 once. Other economy cards either allow trading 1 for 2 multiple times or you get even more than 2 if it only works once.

Well you spend a card, to, in the situation where you want to advance twice, net 2 credits. —
I agree that it's not a very good card (Shipmen from Kaguya is usually better) but... you can make a combo with Efficiency Committee, who doesn't allow you to advance cards but you can use this card (since is putting advancement tokens and it's not the same that advance). But still. It's still not very good. —
Whoops I accidentally pressed enter before. I meant to add that netting 2 credits for a card is the same raw power as Beanstalk Royalties. —
My reply to this got longish, so I've posted it as a seperate review —
This card does some really great things... it is not an economy card (or just a bad one). a.) You can use it for fast advance with efficiency committee in HB, b.) It is a part of the combo CI decks that advance with accelerated diagnostic (ignores the extra click) but most importantly c.) you can use it to fast advance against clot... clot players will mostly put the clot out after you place the first advancement token. If you play shipment it is one action so they get no window between the 1st and 2nd token and since it is your turn you have priority to use an astrotoken or rez sansan and score before they can clone ship/SMC for clot —
Additionally, it allows you to fast advance with 0 creditds with NBN, provided you have an Astroscript token. This is an insane acceleration of your play because you are always ready to score if you top-deck an Agenda. It provides a form of immunity from account siphon too. —
MrOshovah and Greasythumb get it. It's not the money, it's the things it enables you to work around. —
@valerian32: "Shipment from Kaguya is better. " Oh man, thank you, that's the funniest thing I've read all day. So this card totally sucks, huh... that's why most top-tier Fastrobiotics decks pack 2 or 3 of them, right? Beacuse it's garbage? No, because it allows you to get around Clot with good play and understanding of the Timing Structure and Priority. Sorry for the double post, but I couldn't believe —
This card is extremely strong in fast-advance decks. Most points have already been mentioned: —
1 influence, easily splashable. Works with Efficiency Committee. Allows scoring even with 0 credits. Forces Clot to be used one click earlier, providing an important extra click for defense. This card is just insanely strong. —