As a player who regularly tries to include Wotan into decks, I really think this ICE is a beast.

Comparison with Wotan

Let's compare Wotan and Fairchild directly.
Both are unique, expensive, not punishing against unprepared facechecks, but taxing to break. And they both can be run through without a breaker, by simply paying the price tag on the conditional ETRs. So let's look at these price tags:

Wotans first sub demands , while Fairchild wants 4. Depending on the runner's economy, these taxes might be worth roughly the same in a "I prepare for a full turn to get through this once"-scenario. Though, personally, I'd say Wotan has a slight advantage here as clicks are more limited.

The second sub is easy. Both tax creds, but Fairchild taxes more.

On the thrid sub, Wotan wins. The runner has to trash one of his own cards of his own choice, but Wotan restricts this to programs, which can make a difference against some runners. Notice that both subs can be meaningless if the runner has spare cards installed that he doesn't need anymore. Like a program that has used up it's power counters.

The last sub is identical and let's the runner pass for a brain damage. This is prohibitive to do often, but usually no problem for the runner in a "just this final run!" scenario.

So, all in all, if the runner is trying to run through any of these two without breakers they're largely the same. And this is huge. For 9 Fairchild does basically what Wotan does for 14.
Yes, it has 2 strength less. But that's totally fine for 5 less.
Yes, in the current meta runners are better prepared for big Code Gates than for big Barriers. But again, for 5 less rez cost it's totally fine if this thing taxes a few creds less to break.

Because those 5 less rez cost matter. A lot. Fairchild is SO much easier to hard rez when needed.
Yes, you can use all the jank you used to rez Wotan on Fairchild and get almost as much taxing power out of it, but you don't have to rely on it, because paying 9 is a lot easier to pull off (and to recover from) than spending 14.


I have used both Wotan and Heimdall 2.0 a lot in certain decks and Fairchild is almost an auto-include in those.
I would go as far and say I'd still use it in some of those decks if it had 12 rez cost.

But it hasn't. And that allows it to be played in decks where you simply can't use 10+ cred ICE. Like, you know, normal decks! :D


Fairchild is a great binary tax. Either the runner bounces and can't get in or he pays a lot. Enough to make this thing highly cost efficient for any glacier.

P.S.: This is not an upgrade of Fairchild 3.0. It fills a different role altogether. And that's okay.


What is the main purpose of an AI breaker?
You either use it instead of a full breaker suite (i.e. a Faust deck) or to complement a full breaker suite, handling weaknesses (i.e. Dai V in a stealth deck to counter mass sub ICE) or to apply early pressure while building up (i.e. Overmind in an Adam deck).

Baba Yaga is different.


So, what does Baba Yaga do? It is an AI that is constructed by building up a full rig, creating a single, extremely efficient omnipotent icebreaking tool. It replaces your "big rig", but you still need to install said rig, you just need to host it on Baba Yaga instead, which creates several issuses of it's own...

First, setup speed. You need to either install Baba Yaga first and slap everything else on top of it afterwards. Or you need to Scavenge things on top of it afterwards. So, either you build your deck around clumsy reconstruction plany, or you have a massive tempo hit of installing a 5 AI breaker that doesn't do anything on it's own! There. I said it. Baba Yaga alone does not do a thing at all. Yes, it is highly abusable, but only late game, when you've finished constructing it.

Second, safety. Usually, hosting your breaker suite onto anything should be avoided. Got all your main breakers on a single Daemon? Great, now the corp needs to land one single proram trash to wipe out your whole rig. Marcus Batty approves this. With Baba Yaga, you build a deck where your whole rig is planned around hosting all those breakers onto that one program. If you install Baba Yaga, host a freacter, a killer and a decoder onto it and then it get's trashed, you loose 4 programs at the same time and that is going to cost you the game.

Third, an AI is an AI. Even if it uses abilities from non-AIs, it still can't break the good old AI-hate ICE like Turing and Swordsman and still triggers all the new AI-hate ICE like IP Block and Chiyashi.

So, does Baba Yaga have the potential to be the most awesome, uber-efficient allround-breaker ever? Yes, but at a cost!


So, now for the fun part... How exactly to we use Baba Yaga? What do we host on it to make it shine?

We can host stuff that has great paid abilities, paired with pesky conditions we want to avoid. Some criminal breakers like Faerie, Mongoose, or the central breaker suite have text on it that keep it's awesome values in check. Baba Yaga does not copy this text. It gains "0: Break Sentry subroutine." from Faerie, but is not trashed on use.

We can also host breakers that have a great strength and a great weakness. Most of the times, breakers come with two abilities: One pumps strength, the other breaks subs. But some breakers have a highly efficient ability for one thing and a mediocre for the other. Baba Yaga fixes that by combining these awesome abilities with other awesome abilities. Sharpshooter for example has maybe the best pumping ability of all breakers, but is trashed on use. So we slap it onto Baba Yaga, copy the pump ability and ignore the effect. Now we have an AI with that pumps +2 for 1! Slap this onto Anarch Core set breakers and you get a pretty efficient rig.


Now, let's assume we have a Baba Yaga with 3 programs hosted onto it, what can it do?

  • Yog.0 + Faerie + Breach (12 total, for ):
    We can pump 2:+4 or 1:+1, so we're both flexible and efficient in pumping, and we can break Code Gates and Sentries for free. That's nuts.
  • Dagger + Houdini + Corroder (12 total, for ):
    We can pump for the whole run or for single ICE and we can use Stealth creds to do it efficiently, while covering small strength gaps with normal creds using Corroder's pump ability. With only little stealth support, we can boost all the way we want. And breaking? Well, we have the standard "1: Break 1 subroutine." for all the three types. That's not bad.
  • Gordian Blade + Inti + Pipeline (12 total, for ):
    Pipeline? Pipeline?! Well, yes, why not? It is cheap, doesn't cost inf and provides a standard "1: Break 1 subroutine." ability we can slap onto our Baba Yaga that is pumped by Gordian Blade and Gordian Blade only. Plain and simple.

There are many many more combos like this. (Even more if you are using more than just 3 breakers.) I'm excited to see which ones will get played.

Closing Thoughts

Baba Yaga is a really unique new take on an both AI breaker and big rigs at the same time.
It has it's own limitations (like all AIs do), but can potentially be the most efficient breaker in the late game, if built accordingly.
And it is a very customizable tool that looks different from deck to deck and maybe for some decks even from game to game.

Is it still possible to use the hosted icebreakers in their standard mode? i.e. if you hit a swordsman and have a mimic installed into the Baba Yaga can you still use the mimic to cruise right through? —
Funny, I used Overmind in my Adam deck as a late game play, once I had lots of memory with Brain Chip, and comboed with E3, which I already had out to combo with Always be Running. —
Well, okay, maybe that bit about Overmind in Adam is biased towards my own attempts at Adam... I just didn't have a better example at hand when writing that review. —
Yes, the original breakers are still usable. Faerie would die to Swordsman, so if you're worried about it, keep a Mongoose handy. —
So, am I right in thinking that if Baba gets trashed, then all the hosted programs get trashed along with it? Ouch! —

At first glance, this card migth seem odd. It doesn't give you cards like Anonymous Tip does, because you put back just as many and don't "gain" cards. And it doesn't put agendas to safety, since you can only put them on top of R&D and don't shuffle them in. So, without another card to do the shuffle, it doesn't replace Jackson as a tool to fight agenda flooding. So what does it do? Well, it sets up combos...

  • If paired with Ambush cards, it can trap R&D in order to protect it against a runner that is likely to hit R&D, but unlikely to hit HQ.
  • If paired with Accelerated Diagnostics you can put 3 Operations from HQ on top of R&D and then resolve them. So, for 2 cards, 1 and 2s, you can play any 3 Operations you already had in hand (or happended to draw from R&D with Hasty Relocation). Aside from click compression, this also eliminates the paid ability windows between the 3 Operations. Also note that AD eliminates additional costs, like the 2nd you pay for Double Operations. There are plenty of combos to do, some of them might include:
  • If paired with Accelerated Beta Test you can put 3 ICE from HQ on top of R&D and then install and rez them for free on score. This can be done if you IAA the ABT on one turn and fire it on the next. Or you can try to build a massive combo that somehow manages to FA it on the same turn.
  • If paired with Mutate you can exchange a cheap gear-check on the field by a heavy hitter ICE on your hand for a reasonably small prize, creating taxing servers cheaply.
  • If paired with a shuffle effect, you can dig agendas from HQ into R&D. There are quite a few shuffle effects in every Corp fation, some more reliable, others a bit harder to combo with HR. My special mention here is Mutate, because it is in-faction and you get 1 big ICE while digging 2 agendas.
  • If paired with Power Shutdown you can make sure you don't trash anything useful when sniping away a runner's key piece. Or, if you are feeling very janky, you can use HR first , put some agendas on top of R&D, then use PS second and trash them, just to shuffle them back into R&D with Preemptive Action 3rd . Voilá, the agenda flood is stopped by attacking the runner's rig.

P.S.: Please leave other combo ideas in the comments, so I can add them.

Localized Product Line to grab your 3x of whatever seems good, especially with your Research Grant combo. —
In Jinteki, you could use this to set up Accelerated Diagnostics into 24/7 to trigger Philotic Entanglement for a potential kill - coupled with Neural EMPs or Salem's Hospitality, perhaps. —
That could work, but it seems to me to be a huge deck building investment for a combo that won't work if you can't find your Philotic Entanglement or the runner nabs it. —
Assuming that the corp has a scored AstroScript Pilot Program(or exchange information to it's score area), you could accelerated diagnostic/ 24/7 to add multiple agenda counters on autoscript for all the fast advance you could ever need. —

While everything @mabool wrote in his other review is still true, Snoop just got so much more potential with the release of Data & Destiny, especially because of it's synergy with Targeted Marketing.

So, what does Snoop do?
First, it let's us peek at the runner's hand cards on encounter. This is giving the corp useful information about the runner deck and what he is capable of doing and what not. Does he have Apocalypse in hand? Does he have recursion? All that can be extremely valuable information on it's own, but adding Targeted Marketing to the mix, we can now specifically target cards the runner has in his hand and is ready to install.
Second, if it's is not broken and the trace is successful (a big if) you get a power counter that can peek at the runner's hand again whenever you want! This allows you to get the crucial information right when you need it. For example, directly before scoring an agenda with New Angeles Sol: Your News and replacing the active current Targeted Marketing with another copy from HQ/Archives.

All in all, Snoop is a great addition to a New Angeles Sol: Your News Targeted Marketing deck that relies on knowing what the runner is about to play instead of just guessing it based on archetypes.


So, Restructure has been around for a long time and still it got no review. Why? Well, I guess one reason is that there's not much to say about Hedge Fund's greater brother. You play a card to get an instant boost of 5. That's it. So let's take a closer look at this "simple" burst economy card...

When not to use it

Restructure is certainly not for every deck. Obviously, it's play cost of 10 is prohibitive for a large number of decks that really struggle to pile up that much money. But there's another problem: A lot of decks won't really need it anymore once they meet the requirement. Being at 10 can be rich enough for a lot of things you want to do as a corp, depending on your deck.

Similar cards

Other burst economy operations include Hedge Fund, Beanstalk Royalties, Green Level Clearance, Blue Level Clearance, Sweeps Week, Successful Demonstration, Celebrity Gift, Commercialization, Back Channels and probably some more I just forgot. So there are a lot of alternatives to using Restructure or alongside it. And that is only operation based economy, the list of economy assets is just as long if not longer.

Noteworthy combos

Restructure should never be your only economy card. There might be some deck out there that tries to pull that off, but I wouldn't recommend it ever. Of course, everything else that can produce credits combos with Restructure, so I will only mention the most important cards.

  • Hedge Fund obviously helps to get up to 10 if you already have a nice credit pool to begin with. This is especially true in Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World that can just play Hedge Fund into Restructure on the starting turn if they happen to have them both. GRNDL: Power Unleashed doesn't even need support to play it turn 1. Speaking of Weyland IDs... Blue Sun: Powering the Future is the master of staying fluid as they can just bounce back expensive ICE to make sure they always have money to work with.
  • Another great economy card that synergises with Restructure is Melange Mining Corp.. It's ability to get you up from 1 (or 0 if already rezzed) to 7 can bring you from being broke to being fluid in a single use, making it a nice backup for when you can't afford Restructure. And multiple uses can easily bring you back in Restructure range. Both cards are great for decks that rely on making a lot of money. But be aware: Both cards should never be your only economy and a deck with nothing but these two might get into trouble.
  • Targeted Marketing is one of the few cards that can create a net gain of 10 with a single use, immediately enabling Restructure. Other cards that can achieve that are Commercialization, Back Channels and GRNDL Refinery. Of course, creating that much money in a pinch is extremely powerful, therefor all those cards have their own drawbacks and requirements to meet and they all can somehow be interrupted by the runner.

When to use it

This is probably the most important part, so maybe I should have started with this part. Well, I didn't.
What do you actually do with Restructure? You keep being rich. You leverage your huge pile of money to acquire an even larger pile of money. In other words: You make sure to always keep being ahead of the runner economically. While this can allow you to pile up huge glaciers with big nasty ICE, you don't necessarily need to float money to do that. But floating more money than the runner can be important for every strategy that involves winning traces.
Traces are often essential for meat damage kill strategies, relying on either Punitive Counterstrike or landing tags with SEA Source or Midseason Replacements to enable Scorched Earth (and Traffic Accident).
But killing the runner isn't the only thing you need traces for. A large pile of money can support builds including Ash 2X3ZB9CY and/or Surveillance Sweep and is generally favorable for decks running a lot of trace s on their ICE (or even as on encounter ability of their ICE).
Explaining in detail how and why those builds work and why they would want to float money would be far too off-topic for a Restructure review, so I'll stop at this point.

Celebrity Gift also gets you up to 10 credits. —