Ice Mill

trustworthym 1382

obviously this is pure speculation and theory, but oh my GOSH how exciting is the new Blue Sun ID? Get that ice out and rezzed with Oversight or BER, call it back next turn and reinstall it for cheap, rinse and repeat with Amazon Industrial / recurred OAI or BER.

literally no idea how this'll play, just building theory decks because i'm incorrigible B-)

16 May 2014 lolpaca

Yeah, this is pretty much how I saw a Blue Sun deck going. I like how Elizabeth Mills can basically become a bad pub-removing machine who pays for herself... I think this could be one of Weyland's richest IDs yet :)

16 May 2014 trustworthym

the only thing i went back and forth on was Eliza's Toybox, which would be rad, but i don't think it's necessary to be honest? better to go in on big ice instead i think.