Fundamentals Theory (4th at Australian Modded "Nationals")

ladybunne 107

Just a tried-and-true money'n'breakers Chaos Theory big rig deck. It had a lot of success, getting set up quickly and dealing with a myriad of threats.

The deck went 2-2 and placed me 4th of 10 participants in the Modded "Nationals" tournament held by Good Games Lonsdale St in Melbourne.


  • Gordian Blade slices through the thickest knots of data.
  • Ika uses its powerful tentacles to crush its prey.
  • Morning Star shatters puny barriers.
  • Laamb replaces Morning Star for Hadrian's Wall or Heimdall 1.0.
  • Magnum Opus skews the economy in our favour.
  • Paragon lets us fit all these juicy programs in our rig.

Jackpot! was a sweet include that gave me a lot of pushing power, and of particular note was Test Run into Morning Star - that combo is savage and totally demolishes most barriers.

I died to a Punitive in one game and got out-moneyed by SPORTSMETAL in another, but across the board there were good plays and solid setups.