Ghost Food Meat Tags

triticus 5

14 Jan 2018 triticus

I wanted to make a Red Planet Couriers friendly deck, with plenty of various advanceable cards and ways to move advancement tokens around. I wanted to not really care when an agenda was stolen, tax the runner with Closed Accounts and many traces. Which allows Bryan Stinson to let me replay my econ operations. Also, waste their time with advanceable assets, that either help me damage them or with Plan B score out of hand.

I wanted the tags to be oppressive, to the point where they give up removing them. However, then Jarogniew Mercs is just powered up.

I think I need more BOOM!s, maybe drop some NBN tag cards in favor of adding Violet Level Clearance to help with getting what I need in hand and econ. I think I have enough tagging, probably too much. Might need additional advanceable ice to actually stop the runner when I want to.

Looking for advice!