Do you like a bioroid?

Landir 2

This is really a first attempt at deckbuilding corporate side, it's pourpose is to build a fortress of bioroids.

29 Nov 2017 Sanjay

This deck looks fun. Lots of opportunity to rez ice for free, which is something I always enjoy. The Breaker Bay Grid Awakening Zone synergy is fantastic. I hadn't thought of that before.

I have a few thoughts on the deck and maybe ways it could improve:

1) I notice you haven't used any of your influence! No out of faction cards caught your eye? I suppose that's understandable given how much you are committing to the bioroid theme which is just HB cards, but I would certainly consider whether you might benefit from some surprising out of faction ice, assets, upgrades, or operations.

2) I know when I started out I was really excited about Tyr's Hand and part of that excitement was based on a misunderstanding of how the card interacted with icebreakers: specifically, if you use Tyr's Hand to prevent a subroutine from being broken, nothing prevents the runner from just breaking it again. Of course, that's fine if they are breaking with s and they now are out of clicks, but if they are breaking with an icebreaker, Tyr's Hand usually is only going to cost the runner 1 or 2 credits. Just wanted to make sure you knew about this interaction because I didn't!

The deck looks like it might be a little inconsistent (especially with the 54 card deck). But there's a lot of cool stuff going on here, I hope you can get it working in a game!