Threat level Alpha CI (KoS 5-0)

TugtetguT 2006

I was lucky enough to be honorary irishman for a day at King of Servers where I played this CI deck.

There are some convoluted combo turns, but the basic combo is this.


1: You need twice the amount of link the runner has + 15 credits!

2: Some way to gain 7 clicks on you turn. Usually done with 1 Biotic Labor and MCA AP

3: 2 Threat level Alpha, 1 Closed Accounts, 1 BOOM!


3: Take clicks (MCA AP or scored Eff Comm)

6: Threat level alpha (double event)

4: Closed accounts (if your credit lead is huge you can just skip this)

3: Threat level alpha

1: Biotic labor

2: BOOM!

(left side is clicks)