NBN - Breaking Shoes

lolpaca 1247

Here's my attempt to make the most of NBN's tagging abilities. The idea's to tag like crazy before dropping a Psychographics on GRNDL Refinery, Project Beale or any of the advanceable ICE, as required.

As you can tell I'm pretty bad at building Corp decks - any advice on how to make it better appreciated!

7 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

salvage isn't worth any amount of influence, its awful. II'd replace it with hive or something, drives down their cash in order to drive up the disparity, for easier/bigger midseasons. Refinery isn't doing much for you IMO, maybe do 2 scorched with -2 salvage -2 refinery. 2 scorches can be enough.

Hadrians looks too expensive, might slot the hives there.