Jinteki Spam 1.0.3

Snorghma 39

Notion here is CP is strong early, build up and reset the game - if possible score early. Either get out a Mother Goddess, Mushin, & Vanity early or start spamming assets for a stone age mid-late game. You want to score something within the first 2-3 turns to put the pressure on, or you want to build up and snipe key pieces of the runner breaker suite, notable fractors, decoders, and AI.

The ID gives you sniping power and punishment for running with Salem, Junebug, Snare!, and Chrysalis. Hopefully by threatening an early game point you can extend the power of the ID and the early game. Agg Sec is present as a contingency plan should the runner decide to not run early (giving you early game) and just get all of their breakers and try to smash you up mid-late game. Agg Sec is present to reset the game back to when you are strong, though its threat depends on you scoring something early enough to make Agg Sec something a runner has to check.

Chronos Project, Salem, and Agg Sec are the heart and soul of this deck. This combo needs to fire for this deck to work. You should have a CPr face down somewhere ready to score out immediately after the runner hits an Agg Sec or you snipe a critical breaker with Salem or your ID power.

Scoring requires Mother Goddess or successfully sniping breakers. Ice is selected to give you temporary protection/tax when you need it but not ruin Mother Goddess.