Adam version 1.3 run engine

overlord midas 7

This is the Adam deck I have been playtesting for the past several months now, inspired by the article on runner engines from Stimhack a few months back. Assembled from a cardpool consisting of the following sets: 1x core, Creation & Control, Honor & Profit, Order & Chaos, Data & Destiny, and Opening Moves.

I've found that Adam has wonderful early aggression, and figured if I have to run anyways, may as well make sure I always profit from it, thus prompting the use of John Masanori, Security Testing, and Datasucker. Dr. Lovegood is just so I can stop running if it becomes too taxing with the early game setup, and let me focus on assembling a late game rig, which is fueled by the recurring economy of Data Folding and Multithreader.

If the community has any comments or questions on specific card choices ( or suggestions on what cards to add/packs to pick up) , then leave your thoughts in the comments section!

29 Jul 2016 0j3t3c4l0r

Why do you use 3 extra directives?

29 Jul 2016 x3r0h0ur

I run at least 1 in my builds, because sometimes you blast them along with other cards with Independent Thinking, and then still want the ability.

1 Aug 2016 clapdog

Newbie question here: the one-of directives in your list, are they in addition to the three you start with?

1 Aug 2016 clapdog

Just saw the other comments - sorry, they weren't showing before...