Dual-Combo GRNDL

Voltigasm 29

I am pleased to congratulate you on your recent hiring to the Vice President position of Geostrategic Research and Neothermal Development Laboratories. GRNDL's efforts to come up with higher grade energy comes at a steep price, but it's a price worth settling for when we know all the benefits that come with it.

Your position, as you may already know, includes the deployment of counter-terrorism measures to keep our assets safe, as well as safely maintaining progress towards reaching our company goals. Therefore, cautious spending is a must for your position.

Having our research data shipments destroyed by the head Weyland division as a preemptive measure to curb an ongoing sabotage plot by the terrorist groups across New Angeles, our cross-corporate ties have been severely hindered to only our contacts within the highly covered NBN corporation. Executive Mills at the inland Weyland headquarters has established a Joint Development Agreement with Executive Howard for the use of our "Urban Renewal Hardware". As part of another agreement, Executive Howard has allowed us limited access to their SEA facilities, as well as access to the highly lucrative direct-shipping routes from SanSan. In return, he hopes to gain information from our laboratories regarding new energy technology for his teenager-product segment.

Our efforts with Haas-Bioroid have been to a lesser success. We were not able to establish any agreements with the corporation, however, we were able to undergo a technology exchange with NEXT Design headquarters, which included our hard-ICE design: the infamously dubbed "Ice Wall", for their diagnostics software. With this software, we hope to compound our internal operations to meet within our budgets and deadlines.

Jinteki has not responded to any of our communications at this time.

We also have interns at your disposal. Be cautious to use 'ethical' termination if it becomes necessary. We cannot afford anymore bad publicity (unless we benefit from it, of course). Our corporate strategist has devised some tips to help you with your starting days here. Let us strive to make Jack Weyland proud!

Best Regards, ~~~~~~~~~~~

Alright, so you know the story and so here's the deck. The idea behind Dual-Combo GRNDL is to have two solid pathways to victory. Plan #1 consists of scoring agendas (I know, sounds boring) with the help of the Power-Jackson-Diagnostics combo for the last few points. Hypothetical situations include:

1 = Power Shutdown deck, Jackson Howard, remove Jackson for Interns, 2x Shipment from SanSan, then Accelerated Diagnostics a 2-pointer from archives.

2 = Power Shutdown deck (with Jackson out), remove Jackson for Interns, 2x Shipment from SanSan, then Accelerated Diagnostics a 3-pointer from archives, use the last click for the final advancement and score.

3 = Power Shutdown deck (with Jackson and agenda out, 2 Accelerated Diagnostics required), remove Jackson for Interns, 2x Shipment from SanSan, then Accelerated Diagnostics another Jackson from archives and SanSan your current Agenda to score, use the last click and Jackson to Accelerated Diagnostics a 2-pointer from archives and score.

Other combos are possible with this, have fun finding them!

Plan #2 involves the Scorched Earth combo everyone knows about. I won't go into detail about this one, but the reason for 3x Diagnostics as opposed to 3x Power Shutdown stems from being able to do triple and quadruple scorches more often (using 2x diagnostics).

Plan #1 vs Plan #2: What the early turns and what your starting hand looks like (among other variables) will determine your "main" plan and your "contingency" plan. Due to Jackson's role in the deck, he sometimes proves more valuable than the agendas themselves, so take extra care to avoid getting him trashed. You should have plenty of econ in this deck to win traces and rez/advance.

Good luck and feel free to leave any comments/suggestions.

30 Mar 2014 Voltigasm

Update 3-30-14: Got 1st place in my store tourney thanks to this deck. Found the gameplay to be unusually flexible for a Weyland combo deck.

31 Mar 2014 Ajar

I've been trying to build a flexible GRNDL list, but I think instead I'm just going to steal yours! I wonder if it might be possible to adapt a BABW version and run Reclamation Order with the extra influence, but for now I'll start with your base list.

31 Mar 2014 Voltigasm

Using BABW shouldn't be a problem. I preferred GRNDL for its starting hand/early start friendliness. I would have done Reclamation Order/Archived Memories with the extra influence also, and synergizes well with the meat combo too.

1 Apr 2014 Ajar

With BABW and -1 SfSS, you can add +1 Reclamation Order and +1 Biotic Labor, which opens up some interesting combo chains. I'm going to try that out. Here's my first pass at the list:
