Takeover Takeover

ThoraninC 15

To Argus Security : Protection Guaranteed

Operation: Takeover Takeover (For Your Eye Only)

Xibit Yo Dawg

Yo! dawg I heard you like take over.

So I give you a Government Takeover task and Hostile Takeover so you can Takeover Information while Hostile Takeover while you Takeover Government .

Enough with jolly ancient meme. Let get to business.

We will takeover corrupted government of Sarkhan led by tyranical leader Prayuk Chan-o-ran. Sarkhan is a industrial hub of region so if consortium can acquire it we will have access to thier industrial center. Takeover some government is hard We would say, but with little help of any script kiddie so called runner. we can take over their government. You may ask why don't we hire GlobalSec Professional. We would say. We don't know when runner would attack. after Titan incident We can't be certain for sure. we would conduct paperwork to hire her If we can.

You task is. try to takeover Sarkhan prepare your force if you can. but when runner attack and liberate Sarkhan takeover scheme.

You just go and takeover Charan Pokphand,BillTouch,Pararoid. Yes, these company may be acquired by our three friend. You know what you can do you have security force. They wouldn't care if we march to them with our force. then we exchange information with government opposer.

You can also try to takeover Charan Pokphand (Jinteki affiliated food corp), BillTouch (NBN affiliated communication corp), Pararoid(HB affiliated bioroid-component corp), or any corp that has influence in Sarkhan. before for some liquidity you might need.

To find government opposer you should call SEA for some Sorce they would tell you where are opposer is. if runner liberate your Sarkhan takeover file they would know what you're up to. also these corp have some bad publicity that they tied and corrupt with Sakran Government. That could spark-up overthrown and rebelion with your force and your support you can take over their government

Worst case scenario preparation:

If you can't mustering up your Government Takeover force at your HQ in-time you can called Fast Track team to help you mustering up your force.

Also they could help with Corporate takeover.

The Cleaners team would help you with your standard procedure make runner have no choice to hide at Consortium property so we could tag them and you can use tag information to find Government Opposer

Utopia Fragment information we give you can be your help to find it in Cyberspace.but don't do any thing with it unless runner come, liberate it take it with them then you could use your Sakran Takeover technique to take back utopia fragment.

It would help you conceal information about anything make it harder for runner to steal actual Sarkhan takeover file. the more you advance the harder they can steal.

You can first infiltration sarkhan government by doing some contract with them. earn some cred to advance a plan.

With the last measure. If runner liberate too much file that can spark Sarkhan government by itself we would lost opportunity to takeover this industrial hub.

You just called us. We will take care of information value. All you have to do is protect us and make us a Escape Pod but don't destruct the board contract information if runner can't do anything with it. but they can tamper with system so watch out.

In case you fail all technique we give you. use our old school technique we have prepare 3 satellite for you.

In case you have problem with data leak. Freelancer are happy to help you

You may modified our ice suit if you need. but try not to abandon our NBN artifact we acquire. it important for plan.

So good luck

The Board

PS.don't ask us about Chronos please

PPS. Please say Hi to Mr.Jackson for us. he work at NBN but he is happy to help us weyland everytime we ask him