Medium to Well Done!

Adultsituations 8

Gimmick alert! Medium plus Populist Rally = unpurgable madness.

The dream is three mediums all queued up after three runs then BOOM! Populist rally not only means the corp can't purge but they only have 2 clicks to scramble to action.

Obviously that will be hard to pull off but even 1 medium down with a few populist rallies ready to go could cause havoc.

Basically slotted a relatively standard Whizzard econ engine with Faust and ice destruction with recyclable parasites.

The Combo will probably take a little while to set up so Whizzard's ability can clear out assets early and keep up as best you can.

3 Apr 2016 OneFabric


4 Apr 2016 tiedyedvortex

Oh god Populist Rally stops purging

this changes everything

5 Apr 2016 PureFlight

Thoughts on Hivemind? Incubator? Maybe even a Mass Install to get out all the Mediums?

5 Apr 2016 Adultsituations

@PureFlight they were definitely all in my first inflated list but hive mind and incubator might ruin the surprise!

Mass install I just don't know. I think I'll need more testing to see how often I can get enough mediums down to have the desired effect!