Watch me score a Government Takeover

Merlin8000 4

Trappy decks have fallen out of style - so it's a great time for a trappy deck!

Tip: Rez a trap if playing against criminal and you're really intending to get backchannels money from it Place traps under Matrix Analyzer, when the runner encounters it, add an additional advancement counter to the trap in the server.

15 Jan 2016 Waltzard

I feel cheated, no gov takeover here!

More honestly, I'd go with aggsecs or Ghost branches rather than Cerebrals, or just a third junebug. Your economy is not strong, could be hard to keep the 3 necessary to fire the Cerebral.

Also, you have 3 scorched earth, and your tag game is 1 ghost branch and some weak tracing. That feels...I dunno, have you ever fired a scorch? Get rid of em for 3 Beanstalker royalties and change ID to BABW?

15 Jan 2016 TheBytemaster

This is just cheeky beyond all belief. ... I like it.

15 Jan 2016 Merlin8000

@Waltzard I rarely find myself poor, I normally don't hit back channels until I have at least 8 counters on an ambush, which keeps me in good shape for most of the game. I'm not a big fan of beanstalk and I chose Titan because of the 17 influence. I'd have to start losing ambushes with a different ID, and the first goal of this deck is to maximize ambushes. :)