Andi maintaining her contacts

Knalla 30

This deck was kinda a challenge for me, cause everyone was telling me that underworld contacts are not really viable. I really like them, so i started to build a deck around this card with several identities. In the end i ended up beeing third with an andromeda version at the Store Championship in Aachen, Germany, winning every game as a runner.

So how does this deck work:

Starting Hand: For your starting hand you want, if possible, the following cards:

  1. Sure Gamble / Easy Mark
  2. Hostage / Mr. Li
  3. Access to Globalsec / Helpful Ai
  4. Kati / Underworld Contacts / Daily Cast
  5. Fearie / Testrun / Special Order
  6. Inside Job / Forged Acitvation Order ... Rest doesnt matter

Against Weyland you also wanna have a decoy or another hostage if possible.

How to play: This deck doesnt put a lot of pressure on the corp in the beginning, although it can if you feel like you have a fast advance deck in front of you (Inside Job + Forged Activation Order!). Dont worry about the corp getting rich, you will at least get the same amount of money.

Normal Turn Order would be:

  1. Using Mr. Li (you want to find your Ice-breaker)
  2. Whatever you want (Play Card / Another Time Mr. Li / Play Hostage)
  3. Maybe a Run / Play A Card
  4. Use Kati

Games might take ages, but in the end you should be able to get through every server. Its fine if the corp scores one agenda in the beginning. Later on you should have the upper hand. If you feel like you are facing a combo deck, make sure to always trash their jackson ASAP. Against Wayland and Jinteki you probably also want to have your Raymond Flint out as well. Make sure to keep your Testrun in hand for as long as possible, just in case your last sentry/codegate/barrier breaker gets trashed. Once you have your Garrote in play, you should be fine.

Let me know what you think. And yeah, i know, account siphon might be missing, but i hate getting tags. :D Although this deck is really not about keeping the corp poor.

30 May 2014 JackMade

I really like the fact, that you created a criminal deck, that doesn't need to run Account Siphon. :)

Will you change anything, now that Honor&Profit is released?

1 Jun 2014 Knalla

Still have to figure out how to change the deck with H&P, but i guess not that much. Guess a second Raymond, cause of all the new Jinteki Decks and Calling in Favors instead of the easy mark. And i would go for a legwork, rather then a HQ Interface.

i tried Trif-Maf, but not so sure if i like her more then kati. :)

1 Jun 2014 JackMade

I really hate Peacock. Isn't there any ICE-Breaker, that does a better job at breaking codegates? I fell in love with passport lately, but only breaking central server ICE could be a huge draw back for a lategame deck.