Andy the Vampire

trustworthym 1382

She lurks at night, searching for blood,
Delights in your agenda flood,
She'll drive by hunks and get the cash,
She'll burn your credits with her splash,
Got contacts, Data Folding too,
A thousand bucks, some derring-doo,
Scratch House of Knives for Future Perfect,
This evil crim knows how to work it,
With Shiv and Spike and Crowbar sharp,
She'll play your servers like a harp,
And when you think you're doing fine,
Beware the triplicate Gang Sign!

Almost every turn should be draw, draw, install, install, until you have a mountain of cash, Crypsis, and multiple crowd breakers. If they're scoring out, Gang Sign will keep the pressure on. Otherwise, your objective is to get the game into an unwinnable state for the corp by Vamping them to zero, sniping all remotes, and threatening R&D lock with Crypsis / Femme.

I'm really enjoying never-run criminal at the moment, and this is the strongest version of this I've played yet. I have a similar versionin Iain Sterling which gets more $$$ but lacks RDI / Clone Chip / Utopia Shard, and I think I prefer this.

My favourite game so far: corp scored Efficiency Committee when I had Gang Sign, HQI & Turntable on the board. Gang Sign scores me 1x Utopia Fragment and 1x Haas Pet Project, which I turntable for the EC. Turn ends with me on 5pts, the corp on 1pt and broke, and I never even had to run for it. It's So Good.

19 Sep 2015 siowy

hey bionicsheep, have you updated this? i think it's really strong and i'm working on updating it myself.

19 Sep 2015 trustworthym

@siowy I haven't, but I'm going to take a look into it! :)

20 Sep 2015 siowy

my version just replaces 1 drive by for 1 fisk seminar. and even that is experimental. i think what you have is really good already. not sure how to improve it.