Reduce, Reuse, Recycle v 0.05

stimmyrobbins 118

As you guys can see from my other decks I only run Jank. This is more of the same. I started playing corp all the time now and HB ETF glacier is just no fun. Reduce for reducing the number of power counters on cerebus breakers, reuse for the card reuse and recycle for the tanks ability. Install panic button, install Jackson, runner runs hq. start panicing. reuse. I might put anonymous tip back in to do the first reuse to generate some credits. corporate shuffle is needed for the point at which jacksons have been exiled. Must be good at psi games to play this deck. Reuse most of the deck then trigger the tanks ability. once you have creds you can store agendas in hq and if a run happens you can panic button to load up ashigaru. Protect archives with taxing ice to avoid sneakdoor. Future perfect can always go in archives with a tsurugi and the three shocks. Reuse all the cards out except for three snares if the person is legwork happy. Jank is always fun.