1441 - no frills _v2

marsellus 431

See http://forum.stimhack.com/t/deck-primer-1441-titan-transnational-hyper-fast-advance/4038/51 for description :)

7 Jun 2015 aeternii
7 Jun 2015 marsellus

Nope :)

7 Jun 2015 aeternii
7 Jun 2015 marsellus

Once you find it, you'll have no doubt.

7 Jun 2015 aeternii

@marsellus Grrr. I'll keep looking. Or not.

8 Jun 2015 ElderMason

With 11 ice, why not Paywall Implementation instead of Beanstalk Royalties?

8 Jun 2015 marsellus

That seems to make quite some sense. Gonna test today!

8 Jun 2015 Dothanite

I'm the guy that took this deck to the GNK two days ago. Fun deck, check out my reply on the Stimhack thread about how things turned out.

This deck really needs Crisium Grid. I would probably take out a Cyberdex Virus Suite or two.
The change to Paywall Implementation would be interesting. Not sure if that would be better than the burst econ you have now. Let me know how it goes.
I'm considering changing the Archived Memories into a Reclamation Order. Getting all of your Biotic Labors and Jackson Howards back in one fell swoop isn't bad, and you normally don't score with them the same turn you would use your recursion. The downside to this is you can't use the same punitive twice in the same turn.

22 Jun 2015 Glitch29

@ElderMason The bigger question with currents isn't the amount of ICE, but the number of Agendas. 10/49 is a bit on the higher end of agenda density, but not by much. Against an RDI, you'd expect Paywall Implementation to net +3.5 credits.

The other half of the equation is that non-Current Operations can be held as HQ padding until necessary. It's a small corner case, but a Beanstalk Royalties in hand can always threaten Punitive Counterstrike with trace 6, even after a Vamp.

I agree that Paywall Implementation is probably an equally strong choice. I'm just playing devil's advocate here.