Blue Sun v9999

Craloaa 13

I found this deck to be pretty powerful. The snares are something new I'm trying in this build. The ability to play a snare and bring it back to hand if it doesn't work out seems good. Another cool interaction is using EBP right before a runner decides to access cards in HQ to pull and reveal a snare. If it's their last click or they can't remove the tag, this will most likely get them to jack out right there.

I found Elizabeth Mills to be very powerful. Between her and EBP, Valencia decks are a pushover. It also gives you the edge against decks that rely on ProCo, Aesops, Kati, or even Oracle May.deck. A click to remove a bad pub is the most efficient bad pub removal ever and especially useful in conjunction with the HT and Frackings.

The Adonis is in there for the good old "click for 3 credits" once per turn.

Tollbooth is the best ice ever. And in this deck it has no good answer. Femme can bypass it for a turn before you just bounce it and replay it.

4 Mar 2015 lgbiteman

This deck is a royal pain to play against, and is pretty damn strong.

4 Mar 2015 Yziel

I'm not entirely sure why Elizabeth Mills is good against "ProCo, Aesops, Kati, or even Oracle May". She can't remove any of them and they don't rely on Bad Pub to work... Otherwise the deck looks good ^_^

4 Mar 2015 Craloaa

Oops, I'm sorry, it does destroy Aesop's and I forgot it's both a connection and a location! Aesops and PW should be the correction. Thanks for catching that.

4 Mar 2015 Yziel

Hah I was completely unaware that Aesop is a location, it's never come up in any game I've played so far! Thanks for catching that! :P

4 Mar 2015 lgbiteman

I guess that makes it also destroy New Angeles City Hall too, which isn't bad if you're going for the kill but they've got that there to dodge your tags...