Blaggard abuse v1

hatman 181

Here's my latest attempt to make Silhouette compete. The idea is to use Snitch and Au Revoir to make loads of money in the early game, with Crypsis and Bribery as relief valves, if there needs to be a high stakes run. Mr. Li and Angel Arena help snag the right cards when you need it, and when you need to take direct control of the Corp's economy, you can lay down Blackguard.

Here's the reasoning behind some of the card choices:

Unregistered S&W '35- Caprice eats this decks lunch. With the gun, you can use Silhouettes' ability to force her rez, then shoot her and bribe your way in.

Angel Arena- since you'll spend clicks for credits at a great rate, clicking to draw is pretty weak. Angel arena turns one click into three cards. Not bad!

Crash Space- this deck wants its Same Old Things on the table, so you spend ice to try to prevent a catastrophe. That way, Blackguard has more targets. Crash space means you can remove tags with a vengeance.

This isn't well tested, but it seems to have some legs. Let me know if you have questions or suggestions.