Do It Again! - Refining the process through iteration

Bananifier 380

The goal

Create a scoring window by destroying programs through archery or ichiry. Keep the pressure after that by scoring a PrioReq or an overadvanced Project Ares.

The means

  • Inazuma + Destroyer
  • Twins + Destroyer

The Cute Stuff

  • Howler with the twins means that you can reuse your trashed ice
  • IQ is pretty fun with the Foundry and its ever-changing HQ.
  • The single Bootcamp is there if the runner refuses to play with your ice
  • Biotic Labor is there because you actually win by scoring agendas (I swear!) - use it on ABTs and Bifrost Arrays (and copy ABTs).

What previous experience has told me

  • I really should test my decks before posting them. ... .... I'll start doing that tomorrow.