Silver Rusts v2.1

hatman 181

Here's the latest attempt to try to get Ken to work. The idea is to slap down Overmind and go to town, breaking only subs that end the run. The corp will likely rez their most taxing ice--check the types, then lay down the correct big breaker.

This deck, so far, is fantastic at punishing every little mistake that the corp makes, and is pretty good at slowing Fast Advance decks down. With only Account Siphon as a denial card, it hasn't do well against glaciers or other decks that rely on long-game building. As a counter to this, I've included Three Steps Ahead, which has good synergies with Doppelgänger. As for Doppelgänger, I chose that for better click control than Desperado. Hitting with an Account siphon then running on a server with many unrezzed ice without spending a click is way better than you might think.

Overall, this deck is fun, but could possibly be improved. The interactivity of figuring out what big breaker to pop makes corp decks into something of a puzzle. Where are the agendas? And how do I hit there for cheap?

One last note: Even if playing against PE, you should be playing all the hardware. Don't worry about running out of cards--you'll need their abilities more than you know. Also, make sure you have a Same Old Thing out, in case your Levy AR Lab Access gets sniped.

18 Dec 2014 whuppo

im confused man. your event list looks like overkill. 1x Running Interference? 3x Three Steps Ahead without Security Testing? Paper Tripping instead of Lawyer Up? why Femme Fatale when you have Garrote?

i guess a mix between Passport, Alias and regular breakers is more efficient than your expensive rig.

18 Dec 2014 hatman

With 2x Planned Assault, 1x run events aren't difficult to find, and Running Interference is a fantastic card to play once or twice on a scoring remote. I'm not sold on Security Testing in this deck--the plan is to get accesses on the right servers, not caring about things like "tags" or "damage." With resource-based econ, you have to start worrying about tags, which means you have to break a lot more subroutines. And having Three Steps Ahead makes Indexing turns less of a tempo hit, allows you to nab NAPD Contract without worry, and lets you trash annoying assets in horizontal decks. I've debated going a more Oracle May route for econ, but again, resources.

Garrote is great against high-strength sentries as well as high-sub, low strength sentries. Femme Fatale is good against low strength sentries and things with on-encounter effects you want to bypass. They both defeat taxing ice, just different types of taxing ice. (Typically, sentries are either 1-2 str, multi sub, or 4+ str, 1 sub). I rarely play these from hand--slapping down a Retrieval Run tends to take the corp by surprise.

It's true that I could use the same breaker suite as typical Andromeda decks, but without Andy's massive start, finding all the peices is slow, and Ken decks really want to play fast and punishing. Overmind is the only breaker I've found that plays towards that. After turn 6 or so, you should be at ~4 points, and have a good idea of what breaker you need to push through to the end.

As for Paper Tripping, try it! It's a fantastic card to play after chain-siphoning an NBN or Weyland player, or in response to a Midseason Replacements. Since this deck is built to go tag-me from turn 1, it's a fantastic card when you see the 2nd Scorched Earth, or the 1st Psychographics.