Middle-income Blue Sun

Lupus Yonderboi 252

Yeah, Blue Sun with fat-ass ices and Oversight AI is all the rage today. They build moutains of credits to seat on, then Midseason the poor runner, with "poor" taking both of its meanings.

This deck is not one of these. Well, there's a bit of this option, as there's 2 Hadrian Wall and an Oversight AI. But that's not what it mainly relies on.

Instead : Middle range pieces of ice and credit-reserve assets.

What to do ?

  • Install and consume Private Contracts and Adonis Campaign, and get them back on your hand when they are about to empty. Repeat.
  • Get back any piece of ice on your scoring server when you want to score your agenda. You can score with few credits and without getting exhausted.
  • Get back your Hives when they are breathless, your Datapikes when Yog hits the table, or any femmed or parasited piece of ice.

You'll never get insanely rich. However, you'll never get poor. You are Middle-income Blue Sun.

So there's no point to use Sea Source or MidSeason Replacement, since it's unlikeky you'll get far richer than the Runner. Instead, relies on Data Raven and, furthermore, Posted Bounty to tag the Runner. Then get back any worthy rezzed card and let the storm rumbles.

It works ! Most of this deck wins are flatlines.

This deck is still on its tuning phase, and I wonder if keeping any big ice is useful. On the other hand, oversighting a Hive or a Data Raven can be surprisingly useful when there's an opportunity to scor(tch)e next turn. All is a matter of tempo.

So the next occurence of this deck may cut the Hadrian Walls (and Archer) in favor of other mid-range ices (probably a second Taurus since it's so great, maybe a Lycan when it's released) and a second Oversight IA.