Who Needs The Ocean Anyway?

/tg/PlaysNetrunner 522

In celebration of netrunnerdb.com coming back online, the brilliant /tg/ think thank received an epiphany on the future meta. This is the result. Guaranteed to win at least 76.142% of all tournament matches.

"Never change /tg/." - based snow-jax

"And you thought running against Jinteki was dangerous enough." - Real FFG

"Low-income runners caused us to miss four targets today, I scheduled four ground-up rebuilds for tomorrow" - Elizabeth Mills in her memoir "Scorched Earth"

"One time, on the beach, this surfer girl rode me so long her back got sunburn." - Nordrunner

1 Nov 2014 Sibelius


1 Nov 2014 ItJustGotRielle

After my first game with this deck I took so much bad publicity that Paula Deen invited me to speak at some kind of rally. I didn't catch the details but needless to say my fame is about to explode.

3 Nov 2014 JohnnyMilton

Does what it says on the box.